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Film & TV. 

Current slate in production


DISTRIBUTION: Label (Australia)

SYNOPSIS: Positive psychotherapist Marie McLeod takes 7 people on a transformative journey to learn the secret formula to happiness

DIRECTOR: Duy Huynh 

PRODUCER: Andrew Kelly, Duy Huynh

EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Mitzi Goldman, Dylan Cooper

Is there a secret formula to happiness?


We all struggle sometimes, but what does it mean when we struggle?  We all experience strong emotions, but what should we do about them?  We all want to be happy - but what is happiness and why is it so elusive? 


Positive psycho-therapist Marie McLeod takes on a group of volunteers with mental health issues and offers them interventions grounded in positive psychology, neuroscience and wellbeing science.


The film’s premise is; if we offer these evidence-based approaches to people experiencing struggle; what difference would it make? Is happiness a learnable skill and can we teach people skills to live a happy, healthy and meaningful life?  


With unprecedented access; the result is an intimate, heartfelt and hopeful film that offers a rare glimpse into the lives of 7 people who make incredible transforms as a result of learning ‘How to Thrive?’ 

How to Thrive - Official Trailer

How to Thrive - Official Trailer


We know struggle is universal, but what does it mean when we struggle?
We all have strong emotions sometimes, but what should we do about them?
We all want to be happy, but do we really understand what happiness is?

These were some of the questions we set out to answer, amid a world where mental health disorder is on the rise: 50% of us will have a mental health disorder warranting treatment at some point in our lifetime. The world of psychology has for far too long studied what goes wrong with the human mind. Whilst these have led to important understandings around our disorders, there is another side: The science of what is right about the human experience and what makes our lives worth living. It’s time to progress the conversation, get real about mental health and do something positive and proactive about this massive problem.


Our vision is to uncover the science of happiness 
& wellbeing and bring these learning’s to vulnerable groups who desperately need a lifeline. Through our characters we aim to turn the tide on anxiety, depression and suicide in the toughest of worlds, and reveal how all of us can live happier, healthier and more meaningful lives.



The aim of the film will be to provide tangible solutions to a crippling mental health system desperately in need of solutions. We will demonstrate how positive psychology has been applied in clinical practise to create better systems for human flourishing. There is growing evidence of the power of wellbeing interventions, positive psychology and mindful practise in creating greater resilience and mental health, even when participants are in deep struggle.

The world is increasingly becoming a more anxious, polarised and deficit focused place; and whilst this thinking has it's place, we want to demonstrate a broader picture of how things could be. Based on solid research, we want to demonstrate how to build a culture of thriving; even in the toughest of environments, proving that we can all learn from these approaches for our families, friends, schools, workplaces and perhaps even in our Government discourse.


The World’s Greatest Researchers
We have interviewed and engaged with a growing number of the world’s leading researchers who have agreed to contribute their expertise including; James Pawelski (Positive Psychology), Kim Cameron (Positive Leadership), Ryan Niemiec (Character Strengths), Michael Steger (Meaning & Purpose), Robert Vallerand (Passion), Lindsey Godwin (Implementer of Appreciative Inquiry), Helen Street (Environmental Context to Wellbeing).

World’s Best Practise
We profile workplaces that have led the way in wellbeing, learnt about their journey and the impact their approaches have had on individuals & their organisations and how these approaches create tangible systemic, quality, interpersonal, cultural and financial benefit to organisations.


Who benefits?
Whilst the documentary looks at 12 human stories of struggle, we aim to reframe wellbeing strategies to the broader community to create individual wellbeing as well as provide approaches all workplaces can put into practice. These solutions will also be presented in a way that all of us can benefit from, and in doing so, help homes, schools, workplaces and Governments operate with wellbeing front of mind.


1. Wellbeing will be measured for the organisation and individuals involved in the intervention. Results will be compared to a control group under strict academic research conditions.
2. With each intervention, the documentary will measure the social, cultural, performance and financial indicators to demonstrate efficacy beyond wellbeing.
3. The project will also measure the performance of the film and it's viewership reach as an indicator of success
4. The impact campaign will also be measured in terms of it's reach and engagement with community, workplaces, schools and institutions via screenings, resource downloads, social & tradition media engagement.
5. We will also be monitoring change in public policy, public health and patient outcomes as a measure of success.


DISTRIBUTION: Channel 9 (Australia), Virgin Airlines (Australia), Revry (USA), YouTube (Worldwide)

SYNOPSIS: The dysfunctional staff of a sexual health clinic can handle the hypochondriacs and sexual misfits they have to treat - they just can't keep their own relationships on track. 

DIRECTOR: Madeleine Dyer

CO-PRODUCER: Mad Dan Productions

Sexy Herpes

Sexy Herpes

© 2023 Beyondedge Pty Ltd | Melbourne | Australia

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